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Before sunset script 9

by 여름햇살 2015. 8. 17.

Celine: No.. you have this little line. here.

No, not really. actually at this line.

아니, 그런데 주름이 있네.

Jesse: I know, I know.


Celine: Like a scar.


Jesse: A scar? Like a gunshot wound?

흉터? 총상같아?

Celine: No, I like it. I had a terrible nightmare the other day.

I was having an awful dream that I was 32, then I woke up and I was 23, relieved,

and, then I woke up for real and I was 32.

No, I like it, sorry. I had a.. this funny,well, horrible dream the other day.

I was having an awful nightmare that I was 32, then I woke up and I was 23, so relieved,

and, then I woke up for real and I was 32.

아냐, 아냐, 미안. 며칠 전에 웃기는 아니, 무서운 꿈을 꿨어.

정말 악몽이었지, 내가 32살로 나왔으니. 

꿈에서 꺴는데 다행히 23살이더라.

근데 진짜 깨니깐 32살인거 있지?

Jesse: Aw shit, it happens.


Celine: Time gets faster and faster.

Apparently it's because we don't renew our synapses after 20,

so it's all pretty much downhill from then on.

세월이 너무 빨라.

20대가 지나가면 세포가 죽어간대.

그때부턴 내리막인 거지.

Jesse: on the other hand, I like getting older.

Life feels more immediate -

You can appreciate it more.

I like get older.

Life feels more immediate -

You can appreciate it more.

난 나이드는게 좋던데. 

뭔가 더 충만한 느낌?

세상을 좀 더 사랑할 수 있달까.

Celine: Oh I know.

I actually like it too.

me too, actually. 

I really love it.

나도 그래

그거 하난 좋아.

Jesse: I was once a drummer in a band.

예전에.. 밴드에서 드럼을 쳤더랬어.

Celine: You were?


Jesse: And we were pretty good too.

But the lead singer was so obsessed with us getting signed.

We spent all our time thinking about getting bigger gigs. -

All about the future. 

And now the band doesn't even exist anymore. 

yeah we were pretty good actually.

But the lead singer guy, he was so obsessed with us getting a record

All we talked about, all we thought about is getting bigger shows, 

and everything is focused on all the future time. 

And now the band doesn't even exist anymore, right.

그래, 꽤 괜찮은 밴드였지.

근데 리드보컬이라는 놈은 앨범 계약에만 눈이 멀어

어떻게든 더 큰 무대에 설 고민만 했지.

그때 우린 항상 미래를꿈꿨는데,

지금은 아예 없지.

But looking back at those shows we did,

even rehersing, it was so much fun.

I think now I'd be able to enjoy every minute of it.

Looking back at those shows we did play

even rehersing, it was so much fun.

Now I'd be able to enjoy every minute of it.

Can I have a #$!@$(???) - 뭐라는 거지?

공연했던 시절을 되돌아보면,

그때가 정말 좋았어, 리허설로도 마냥 기뻤으니.

이제서야 그 순간들을 음미하는 거지.

나도 한 모금 줄래?

Celine: Well, you've got your book published and you're travelling all over the world with it...

are you enjoying it?

well, your book has published right? that's pretty big deal and you've been all around Europe with it. 

are you enjoying it every minute?

책을 낸 것도 그렇고, 유럽 순회 홍보도 큰 일인데, 그 순간들을 즐기고 있어?

Jesse: Not really.

아니 별로.

Celine: You know in my field, 

I see some people that come into it like with big idealist visions,

of becoming the new leaders that will create a better world, 

they enjoy the goal but not the process.

Not really?

In my field, that I see the people,  come into it big idealist visions,

of becoming the new leaders that will create a better world, 

they enjoy the goal but not the process.

별로? 내 직장동료들도.. 세상을 바꾸겠다는 큰 이상을 품고 있어.

결과보단 과정을 우선하지.

(아니 근데 왜 이게 결과보단 과정을 우선하지로 왜 해석되는거지?? 난 왜 반대 같지 ㅠㅠ 내 영어가 이 따위란 말인가...)

Jesse: Right.

Celine: But the reality of it is that the true work of improving thing is 

in the little achievements of the day,

and that's what you need to enjoy to stay in that field.

For example I worked for an organization 

that helped villages in Mexico and 

their concerns was how to get the pencils sent to the kids in those little country schools,

it was not about discussing big revolutionary ideas about a better world.

- it was about pencils.

I see the people that do the real work,

and what in a way is really sad is that the people that are often the most giving,

hard working and capable of making this world better 

don't really have the ambition and ego to be a leader, 

they don't see any interest in the rewards, they don't care if their name ever appear in the press,

they actually enjoy the process of helping others,

they are truly in the moment.

But the reality of it is that the true work of improving thing is 

in the little achievements of the day,

and that's what you need to enjoy to stay in that field.

-What do you mean exactly-

For example I was working for an organization 

that helped villages in Mexico and 

their concerns was how to get the pencils sent to the kids in those little country schools,

it was not about big revolutionary idea.

it was about pencils.

I see the people that do the real work,

and what is really sad in a way is that the people are the most giving,

hard working and capable of making this world better 

Usually don't have the ego and ambition to be a leader, 

they don't see any interest in the specific rewards, they don't care if their name ever appear in the press,

they actually enjoy the process of helping others,

they are in the moment.

큰 성과를 이루기 위해선 그 과정들도 중요한거야.

너도 그렇게 즐겨봐

-무슨 뜻인지 모르겠어-

그들과 멕시코 빈곤 마을에 봉사활동을 나간 적 있는데

오지 아이들에게 보내줄 연필을 구하러 다녔었어.

뭐 대단한 일도 아니었고

연필 몇 자루였지만,

모두들 진정으로 열심히 일하더라.

그들은 남을 배려하는 마음으로 땀흘려 세상을 바꿔가고 있었어.

그런데 그런 사람들은 앞에 나서려 들지 않아.

보상을 바라지도 않고, 신문에 이름나는 것도 신경 안쓰지.

남을 돕는 자체를 즐기니까.

바로 그 순간을 말이야.

in a way: 어느 정도는, 어떤 면에서는.

Jesse: yeah, That's such a struggle.

It seems like we're designed to be slightly dis-contested with everything.

Always trying to better our situation.

You satisfy one desire and it just agitates another.

But then I think, well, desire is the fuel of life.

Do you think it's true that we'd never be unhappy 

if we never wanted anything?

yeah, that's so hard. 

you know, be in the moment imagine feel like a(?????????왜 자꾸 이렇게 들리지 절대 이럴리가 없는데)

designed to be slightly to be dissatisfied with everything.

you know, I mean,it's always like.. trying to be better my situation.

you know, I satisfy one desire and it just agitates another.

I think !@#!@#(???) desire is the fuel of life.

I mean, Do you think it's true if we never anything,

we'd never be unhappy.

하지만 그게 그렇게 쉽지가 않아.

난 기질적으로 매사에 불만이 조금씩 있거든.

항상 뭔가를 더 바래.

하나가 충족되면 또 다른 욕심이 생겨나지.

그리고는 날 위로해

"욕망이 삶의 원동력 아니야?"

욕심이 없다고 불행도 없을 것 같니?



Her family are agitating to have her transferred to a prison in the UK.

마음을 뒤흔들다.

We don't want to agitate them.

케언즈 가기 전에 끝낼 수 있을까?

내일 좀 많이 해야지....... ㅠ_ㅠ 피곤해 진짜 엉엉.


'일상 > Study' 카테고리의 다른 글

Before sunset script 13  (0) 2016.04.12
Before sunset script 12  (0) 2016.03.23
Before sunset script 11  (0) 2016.03.13
Before sunset script 10  (0) 2015.08.20
Before sunset script 8  (0) 2015.08.13
Before sunset script 7  (0) 2015.08.11
Before sunset script 6  (0) 2015.08.09
Before sunset script 5  (0) 2015.08.08