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Before sunset script 8

by 여름햇살 2015. 8. 13.

Celine: I don't at all, really. 

But something about being there after a while was very interesting, I found.

After a couple of weeks something changed in me.

The city was quite gloomy and gray but after a while my brain seemed clearer.

I was writing a lot more in my journal, ideas I had never thought of before.

No, I don't at all.

But anyway something about being there was very interesting, I found.

After a couple of weeks something changed in me.

The city was quite gloomy and gray but after a while my brain seemed clearer.

I was writing a lot more in my journal, ideas I had never thought of before.


아무튼 그때 특별한 경험을 했어.

2주쯤 지냈는데, 어떤 변화가 느껴지더라. 

회색빛 우울한 도시가 

머릿속에 점점 또렷이 각인되는 거야.

일기도 많이 쓰게 되고, 온갖 생각이 떠올랐지. 

Jesse: Communist ideas?

공산주의 사상이?

Celine: Shut up! I'm not a communist.

Listen. I'm not..

너, 정말..

Jesse: I know. Go ahead, sorry.

Sorry, Go on.

미안. 계속해. 

Celine: It took me a while to figure out why, why I felt so different.

And then, one day as I was walking through the Jewish cemetery,

I don't know why but it occurred to me there,

I realized I had just spent the past couple of weeks away from most of my habits.

The TV was in a language I didn't understand and there was nothing to buy,

no advertisements anywhere.

I'll send you to !#@!@#(???)

It took me a while to figure out, why, you know, I felt so different.

And then, one day as I was walking through the Jewish cemetery,

I don't know why but it occurred to me there,

I realized I had just spent the last two weeks away from most of my habits

The TV was in a language I didn't understand and there was nothing to buy,

no advertisements anywhere.

수용소에 가둔다!(수용소 단어를 몰라서 안들림.. 구글로 들림..)

그 변화의 이유를 깨닫지 못하던 차에

하루는 유대인 묘지를 산책하다가 갑자기 깨달았지.

그 2주는 내 일상과 완전히 달랐던 거야.

TV에서 나오는 말은 들어도 모르겠고, 쇼핑할 일도 전혀 없이

So all I had been doing for three weeks was walk around, write, think,

My brain felt like it was at rest,

free from the consuming frenzy and 

I have to say it was almost like a natural high.

So all I had been doing was walk around, think, and write.

My brain felt like it was at rest,

free from the consuming frenzy and 

I have to say it was almost like a natural high.

내 생활은 그냥, 산책과 사색, 글쓰기 뿐이었지.

소비라는 강박관념에서 벗어나 쉬고 있다는 느낌.

정말 황홀할 정도로. 

frenzy: 광분, 광란.

I was so peaceful inside, no strange urges to be somewhere else, to shop.

마음이 평온했지. 뭔가를 사야겠다는 정체모를 압박감도 사라지고.

Urge:충고하다, 권고하다. 욕구, 충동.

Maybe it could have seemed like boredom at first but

it quickly it became very soulful.

Maybe it could have seemed like boredom at first but

it quickly it became very very soulful.

is it interesting, you know?

처음에는 좀 지루했지만,

곧 영혼의 깊이를 느낄 수 있게 됐어.



Jesse: Can you believe it was nine years ago

we were walking around Vienna?

비엔나에서 산책하던게 벌써 9년 전이라니!

Celline: No, that's impossible.

Nine years ago? that's impossible.

9년전? 말도 안돼!

Jesse: Feels like two months ago.. but June of '94

It was, Feels like two months ago.. but summer of '94

그러게 두달 전 같은데.94년 여름이었지.

Celine: Do I look any different?

Do I look any different?

I do?

나 변했어? 그래?

Jesse: Mmmmm. Your hair was down back then,

can you...

I have to see you naked. - what?- I'm sorry.

Your hair was different, back then like this,

Take it down. I'll see(??) - ok, come on tell me-

벗겨 보야 알지. -뭐야?- 미안

그땐 머리 모양이 달랐어. 풀어봐.

-어서 말해봐-

Little skinnier I think.

Skinnier I think. more thinner(??)

야위었다. 살이 좀 빠졌어.

Celine: Was I fat before?

Did you think I was fat before?

예전엔 뚱뚱했었어?

Jesse: No, no.


Celine: You thought I was fatty.

You wrote a book about a fat girl.

You thought I was fatty.

No you thought I was fatty.

You wrote a book about a fat French girl.

뚱뚱하다고 생각했구나. 뚱순이라고.

프랑스 뚱순이 얘길 책으로 쓰다니!

Jesse:No seriously - You look beautiful.

Do I look any different?

No, No. Listen. Seriously you look beautiful.

Do I look any different?

진심으로 하는 말인데, 넌 아름다워.

난 달라 보여?

갈수록 듣는 양이 줄어들고 있어..... 


'일상 > Study' 카테고리의 다른 글

Before sunset script 12  (0) 2016.03.23
Before sunset script 11  (0) 2016.03.13
Before sunset script 10  (0) 2015.08.20
Before sunset script 9  (0) 2015.08.17
Before sunset script 7  (0) 2015.08.11
Before sunset script 6  (0) 2015.08.09
Before sunset script 5  (0) 2015.08.08
Before sunset script 4  (2) 2015.08.07