Jesse: Nah. But I gotta say, I think that's so cool what you're doing.
How'd you get into that?
but you know, how'd you get into that?
근데 거긴 어쩌다 들어갔어?
Celine: When I came out of political science
I thought I'd be working for the government, and I did for a short while
and then I got tired of having conversations with friends about how the world was falling to pieces.
I came out of political science i was hoping to work for government, and I did for a while, terrible.
anyway I got really tired, let's go this way, having everyday conversations with friends, how the world was falling to pieces.
정치학을 전공했고, 공무원이 꿈이었어.
잠깐 일했는데, 정말 끔찍했지.
지긋지긋했지, 이쪽으로,
매일같이 동료들과 얘기했어. 이래저래 세상이 망가져 간다고.
come out of: (발전되어서) ~에서 나오다.
fall to pieces: 다 허물어져가다. 붕괴하다. 못쓰게 되다.
ex) He's worried the business will fall to pieces without him.
I realized that the only thing I wanted to do was to look at things
that really can be fixed and try to fix them.
and so I decided to do what really i wanted to do
as to find thing could be fixed and try to fix them, you know
그러다 결심하게 됐어. 고칠 방법을 찾아서 직접 나서보기로.
look at =examine ~을 살피다. ~에 대해 고려하다.
Jesse: I gotta say, that's awesome.
I always figured you'd be doing something cool like that.
I always thought you'd be doing something cool like that. I did
역시 내 예상대로 쿨한 삶을 사는구나. 그럴줄 알았어.
I gotta say = I have got to say
1. (어떤 과정,상황 등에서) 중요하다
ex) Do I still figure in your plans?
2. (~일거라고) 생각[판단] 하다
ex)That's what I figured. 내 생각도 바로 그거야
Celine: Thanks. I'm lucky to have a job I really like.
thanks. I just really, really, lucky to be doing a job I like
고맙네. 내가 좋아하는 일을 하면서 산다는 것은 행운이지.
Jesse: You know, I actually alternate in thinking that everything is irrevocably screwed up,
and actually feeling things in a general might be getting better.
You know, I actually alternate between thinking that everything is irrevocably screwed up,
and the things might be getting better in somewhere.
난 가끔 상반된 두 생각을 해.
세상이 회복 불능이라는 생각과 점점 나아질 거라는 생각.
irrevocably: 변경할 수 없는
alternate 번갈아 나오게 만들다.
ex)Alternate cubes of meat and slices of red pepper.
Celine: better! How could you possibly think that?
better? How could you possibly say that?
점점 나아져? 그걸 말이라고 해?
Jesse: I know it sounds weird,
but I think there are things to be optimistic about.
Well I just mean, you know, I mean it sounds weird,
but I think there are things to be optimistic about.
그러니깐 내말은, 이상하게 듣진 말고,
그래도 많이 좋아졌지 않아?
Celine: Okay, I know your book is selling,
but what are you talking about-
the world's a mess right now.
Okay, I know your book is selling, which is great. I'm very happy for you
but let me bring the news for you.
the world's a mess right now.
그래, 네 책 많이 팔린다 정말로 축하해
하지만 말해줄까?
세상은 지금 엉망진창이야!
From a western point of view things are getting a bit better -
we're moving all our industry to developing nations to get cheap labor free from any environmental laws.
The weapons industry out of control,
five million die every year due to preventable water diseases.
So how is the world getting better?
I'm not getting angry, but really I want to know?
From a western point of view things are getting a bit better -
we're moving all our industry to developing nations, we get cheap labor free from any environmental laws.
The weapons industry is booming,
five million die every year due to preventable water diseases.
So how is the world getting any better?
I'm not getting angry, I'm not getting angry, come on, I want to know, I'm interested in.
서구 사회는 좋아졌지. 저개발 국가에 공장 짓고 저임금 노동을 이용하니까.
환경법 규제도 안 받지. 군수업은 번창하지만,
매년 5백만명이 수질 오염으로 죽어가. 근데도 세상이 나아져? 나 화내는거 아니야. 어디 말 좀 해봐.
Jesse: I know there are a lot of serious problems
- I don't have one publisher in the entire Asian market.
Ok, I realize there are a lot of serious problems in the world.
I mean I don't even have one publisher in whole Asian market.
그래 알았어, 문제가 심각한 거. 근데, 내 책은 아시아권에는 발간도 안됐어.
Jesse: But I think there's more awareness out there.
It might be getting better because people like you are informed and educated and speaking out
and as the world's consciousness and education rises -
things like women's issues, racial rights, sexual rights, children's rights...
Look honestly there's more awareness out there. right?
More people are getting fight for that?
You know I'm thinking It might be getting better because people like you are educated and speaking out,
그래도 사람들의 관심은 커졌잖아. 계속 투쟁할꺼고. 나아질거란 얘긴 그런 뜻이었어.
너같은 사람들이 있으니까!
out there: 그 곳에, 해외에
speak out: 공개적으로 말하다.
Celine: I know.
Jesse: I mean the very notion of conservation and environmental issues -
all that were't even in the vocabulary until fairly recently -
those are becoming the norm and will eventually be what's expected all over the world.
even the very notion of conservation and environmental issues -
wasn't it even in the vocabulary until fairly recently -
those are becoming the norm and will eventually it might to be what's expected all over the world.
환경문제에 관한 토론만 해도 그래. 몇년전엔 생각도 못했지만
이젠 당연한게 됐고, 차츰 나아져 가고 있잖아?
notion: 개념, 관념
fairly: 상당히,꽤
norm: 표준, 규범, 규준, 기준
imperialist: 제국주의자
Celine: I agree with what you are saying but it's dangerous.
An imperialist country can use that kind of thinking to justify their economic greed.
Human rights is the only issue I...
I agree with what you are saying but same time it's dangerous.
An imperialist country can use that kind of thinking to justify their economic greed.
you know, human rights is
맞는 말이야. 하지만 위험도 있어.
제국주의 국가들이 악용할 수도 있거든.
자국의 경제적 야욕을 합리화하는 방안으로..
Jesse: An particular imperialist country you got in mind there, Frency?
An particular imperialist country you have in mind there, French?
'제국주의 국가'란 말 미국을 지칭한 거야?
Celine: No, not really. Is it okay if we sit here?
No, not really. Do you want to sit over there?
꼭 그런건 아니야. 저기 앉을까?
Jesse: Perfect.
But what I'm really saying is the world might be evolving like a person evolves.
ME for example...
Am I improving?
Am I getting worse?
When I was younger I was healthier but I was racked with insecurity -
Now I'm older my problems are deeper,
bur I'm more equipped to handle them.
This is perfect.
maybe what i'm saying is the world might be evolving the way a person evolves.
Me for example
Am I getting worse?
Am I improving?
I don't know
When I was younger I was healthier but I was racked with insecurity you know
Now I'm older my problems are deeper,
bur I'm more equipped to handle.
좋아, 딱인걸. 세상이 나아져 가는 건 사람의 성장과 비슷한 것 같아.
나를 예로 들면, 난 퇴보중인 걸까? 발전중인 걸까? 잘 모르겠어.
지금보다 어렸을땐 좀 더 튼튼했었지만,
불확실성에 괴로워했었고,
나이가 들면서 복잡해졌지만, 처리할 능력도 갖추게 됐지.
rack 괴롭히다. 시달리게 하다. 뒤틀어지게 하다. (수동태로 주로 쓰임)
ex) Her face was racked with pain.
a racking cough
온 몸이 뒤틀리는 기침.
to be racked with guilt
insecurity 불안함 불안정
ex)They trade on people's insecurity to sell them insurance.
He's very insecure about his appearance.
Celine: What are your problems?
so what are your problems?
그래서 문제가 뭐야?
Jesse: Right now, I don't feel like I have any -
Just damn happy to be here.
Right now I don't have any, I don't
Just damn happy to be here.
지금? 지금은 없어. 전혀 없어. 지금은 마냥 행복해.
Celine: Me too. How long have you been in Paris?
나도 그래. 파리에는 얼마나 있었어.
Jesse: Got in last night. I've done the cities in twelve day -
I'm so glad it's over.
I'm so sick of being a huckster
Got in last night. I've done the cities in twelve day -
i'm wracked.(???)
I'm so glad it's over.
I'm tired of being a huckster
어젯밤 도착했어, 12일간 10개 도시를 돌았지.
완전 녹초가 됐어. 이젠 끝나서 다행이야. 기절할정도였으니.
huckster: 행상꾼, 도붓장수.
Celine: what do you want?
뭐 마실래?
Jesse: Just a coffee.
I love the coffee over here so much more than in the U.S.
cup of coffee.
God, I love this cafe. why isn't it cafe like this place in the U.S. (????)
커피. 이카페가 정말 아늑하다. 미국은 왜 이런 곳이 없지?
Celine: I couldn't even drink coffee when I was living over there.
yeah. I missed the cafe when I'm living over there.
I mean I found a few place I really like but..
그래. 미국에 살때 나도 그런 생각 했었어. 제법 괜찮은 카페도 있었지만..
Jesse: You lived in the U.S.? When?
미국에 살았었어?
Celine: From '96 through '99. I was studying at NYU.
응 96년부터 99년까지. 뉴욕대에 다녔어.
Jesse: Don't tell me that!
oh god, don't tell me that, Celine.
맙소사! 이럴수가! 셀린!
Celine: what?
Jesse: Oh wow - that's weird.
I've been in New York since '98.
That's wild -
we were both there at the same time.
Nah, It's just nothing, I mean I've been in New York since '98.
we were there at same tine,
아니, 그게..아냐 아무것도.
나도 98년부터 뉴욕에 살아.
너랑 같은 하늘 아래 있었어.
아.. 집에 잡음이 있어서 오늘 좀 늦어짐. ㅠ_ㅠ 모르는 단어 정리는 내일 해야지.
지금은 I'm damn sleepy. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 영화로 영어 공부 하면서 비속어만 늘고 있는 중.
그나저나 오늘도 여전히 안 들리는구나. 언제 귀 뚫리나.
'일상 > Study' 카테고리의 다른 글
Before sunset script 10 (0) | 2015.08.20 |
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Before sunset script 2 (0) | 2015.08.05 |