Celine: That's interesting.
That's interesting. French slut. great.
재밌네, 밝히는 프랑스 여자?
Jesse: And then they find out more about each other and realize they don't really get along.
Yeah exactly. and they started to know each other, realized they don't really get along at all.
그런 셈이지. 그렇게 서로를 알아가던 두 사람은 결국 이별을 택한다는 얘기지.
Celine: I like that.. It's more real.
맘에 들어. 현실적이야.
Jesse: My editor didn't feel that way.
My editor didn't think that way.
출판사에선 싫어하더군.
Celine: Yes, everybody wants to believe in love. It sells.
Yes, everybody wants to believe in love. It sells. Right?
독자들은 사랑을 믿으니깐. 그런 얘기가 먹혀들지.
Jesse: Yep.
Yeah, exactly.
그래 맞아.
Celine: But things are going well for you, right?
Your book's a bestseller in the U.S.?
But things are going well for you, I mean,
Your book's a bestseller in the U.S.?
결국엔 잘 됐지? 베스트셀러 작가도 되고
Jesse: It's a tiny bestseller, but officially, yes.
But hey, most people haven't read Moby Dick, so why the hell should they read my book?
It's a tiny bestseller, but officially, yes.
But hey, most people haven't read Moby Dick, so why should they read my book?
그냥 조금 팔았어. 그래, 그렇긴한데(Celine가 come on하는 말에 대한 대꾸)
'모비딕'도 안읽는 사람들이 내 책인들 읽겠어?
Celine: I never read Moby Dick, But I liked you book,
even though I thought you idealized our night a bit.
나도 '모비딕'은 안 읽었지만 네 책은 읽었어.
근데 그날 밤을 너무 미화해서 쓴것 아니야?
idealize: 이상화하다
ex) It's tempting to idealize
막상 idealize 보다 "It's tempting to~" 가 더 유용한 것 같다. 이건 "솔깃한 일이다" 라는 표현인데,
단어 몇개 찾는데 두번인가 세번 이 문장이 예시로 된 것을 발견. 그만큼 자주 쓰이는 표현이란 것이겠지?
idealize는 뜻은 알겠는데 한국어로 정확한 단어를 보고 싶어서 찾았는데 찾아보기 잘한 듯.
고급표현 써먹을 수 있겠구만.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Jesse: Hey, It's a fiction.
on come on, It's officially a fiction. I mean I supposed to
어차피 소설이잖아! 내 입장에선..
Celine: I know, but I thought there were times when you made me, I mean her, no, me,
like sometimes she's was a bit... psychotic.
I know, but I thought there were times when you made me, I mean her, no, me, okay, whatever
a little bit... lunatic(사실 이거 암만 들어도 모르겠는데.. 그냥 아는 발음 비슷한 것중에 아는 단어가 이것 뿐이라서 이거 말하는 건가 추측중.. 나중에 한바퀴 다 돈 다음에 찾아봐야지..)
그래 알아, 이해해. 하지만 네가 책속에서 나를, 아니 여주인공을..
아니, 나를.. 뭐든 간에 좀 신경질적으로 그렸더라?
Jesse: But you are a little like that.
But you are a little like lunatic(제시가 말하는거 들으면 확실히 이 단어가 아닌데.. 뭔지 모르겠다 도저히 ㅠ_ㅠ)
사실이 그렇잖아.
Celine: I know...What!!!
You think i'm lunatic?
내가 신경질적이라고?
Jesse: Just kidding. No really, where'd I do that?
No, no. come on, kidding. where'd I do that? I didn't know that.
아냐, 그냥 농담이야. 어느 대목이 그랬어? 난 모르겠는데.
Celine: Maybe it's just me... It was so strange to be reading something knowing
the character in the story is based on you.
It's both flattering and disturbing at the same time.
Maybe it's just me...
you know reading something knowing the character in the story is based on you.
It's both flattering and disturbing at the same time.
아냐 그게 나인지도 모르지.
어떤 책의 주인공이 나란 걸 알면서 읽으니까,
우쭐하기도 하고 약간은 불편하더라.
Jesse: why was it disturbing?
How was it disturbing?
뭐가 불편한데?
Celine: I don't know, just being part of someone's memory,
suddenly seeing myself through your eyes.
How long did it take to you write it?
모르겠어, 그냥.. 누군가의 기억속에
남의 눈을 통해서 나를 본다는 게..
쓰는데 얼마나 걸렸어?
Jesse: on and off, 3 or 4 years.
3 or 4 years. on and off (앞으로 이런 건 그냥 넘어가야지..너무 귀찮다.)
쓰다가 쉬다가. 3, 4년 쯤.
on and off: 때때로, 불규칙하게. ~하다가 말다가.
Celine: It's a long time to be writing about one night.
It's a really long time to be writing about one night.
와, 단 하룻밤 얘길 꽤 오랫동안 썼구나.
Jesse: Tell me about it. I feel like I basically lived with you there for a while.
I know, I know. Tell me about it.
누가 아니래.
Tell me about it: 비격식 표현으로 '무슨 말인지 잘 안다."
" I get so annoyed with Steve."
"Tell me about it. He drives me crazy."
Celine: I'd always assumed you've forgotten me.
난 네가 다 잊었을 줄
Jesse: I had a pretty clear picture of you in mind. I gotta tell you something.
- I've wanted you talk you for so long..
I had a pretty clear picture of you in mind. I have to tell you something.
- I've wanted you talk you for so long..
아니, 항상 또렷이 생각났어. 이말은 해야겠다.
너무나 널 다시 만나고 싶었어.
Celine: Me too.
Jesse: It's surreal, now I feel everything I say should be..
It's surreal, you know I feel everything out of my mouth.
지금도 안 믿겨. 말도 못 할 만큼.
Celine: Yeah, and now we have what?
Twenty minutes and thirty seconds?
Yeah, How long do we have?
Twenty minutes and thirty seconds?
시간 얼마나 있어? 20분 30초?
Jesse: More than that, much more than that.
I want to know about you. What are you up to?
we've got more than that,
I want to know about you. Tell me. What are you doing?
you know, what are you up to?
그보단 많아. 널 더 알고 싶어.
말해봐! 뭐하고 살아?
Celine: Wheew. Where to start.
I'm working for Green cross, it's an environmental organization.
Whee. Where do I start
I work for Green cross. it's an environmental organization.
아.. 어디서 부터 이야기 해야 할까.
난 그린 크로스에서 일해. 환경 단체야.
Jesse: I gotta say, That's awesome.
I always figured you'd be doing something cool like that. (영화에 없는 대사, 이 부분부터 오늘 분량 마지막까지 대본에 없어서 헤맸음 ㅠㅠ)
what are they about?
어떤 분야?
Celine: We basically work on different environment issues from clean water to xxx chemical weapons. (케미컬 앞에는 무슨 단언지 아예 모르겠음)
you know international laws that deal with environment.
여러가지 환경 문제를 다뤄. 수질문제에서 화확무기까지. 환경 관련 국제법도 다루고.
Jesse: and what do you do for?
네가 하는 일은?
Celine: we're going to this way. ah, different things.
like last year, I was in India for a quite while working water events plan(이거 아무리 들어도 무슨 소리지 모르겠음.. 그냥 들리는대로 단어 나열)
well, the cotton industry, there is a major source of pollution, so..
이쪽이야. 이것 저것.
가령 작년에는 수질문제로 인도에 한참 가 있었지.
거기 면화 공장에서 주변을 심하게 오염시켰거든.
Jesse: I mean it sounds actually doing something you know
Most people, myself included, just say a bitch(?????????????? 왜 난 이걸로 들리지 이것도 아무리 들어도 이해 못함)
America is consuming all world's resource
SUV sucks
global warming is real
행동하는 지성이네!
나를 비롯한 많은 사람들은 대게 입으로만 떠들 뿐인데.
미국의 게걸스런 대량 소비며,
자원 낭비, 자동차, 지구 온난화..
Celine: you know, I'm really relieved to hear you are not one of the person, a pride of Americans.(이것도 못알아들음 그냥 들리는 단어 적음)
생각없는 미국인은 아니어서 다행이군.
오늘은 여기까지.
아, 근데 단어를 모르니깐 진짜 안 들린다.
그리고 대본 없는 뒷부분은 완전 헤매고.
역시 4일동안 잘 알아 들은건 대본에서 많이 안 벗어나서 그랬던거고..
오늘에서야 본 실력이 드러나는구만 ㅋㅋㅋ
그래도 부끄러워야 영어가 는다고 하니깐,
이짓거리 해놓고 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 나중에 맞는 대본으로 맞춰보고 부끄러워 하면서 영어가 늘겠지?
+ AS 타임
다음 날인 오늘, 대본 발견!
에이포 용지에 출력해서 대충 들고 다녔더니 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 해당 내용 페이지가 다른데 섞여 있었다 ㅋㅋ 대본이 없는게 아니었군.
그래 너무 많이 없어서 이상하다고 했어.. 다시 추가
Jesse: what are they all for?
Celine: We basically work on many different environment issues,
from clean water to disarmament of chemical weapons, you know,
international laws that deal with the environment.
disarmament: 군비축소
armament: 군비,(대형무기), 군비확충
nuclear disarmament: 핵무기 축소
Jesse: What do you do for them?
Celine: Different things. Last year I was in India for quiet a while
working on a water treatment plant.
Jesse: Wow
Celine: The cotton Industry there is a major source of pollution.
Jesse: I gotta say I admire the fact that it sounds like you are actually DOING something.
Most people, myself included,
just bitch about everything:
how America's consuming all the world's resources,
We're creating sweat shop in China,
SUV sucks,
global warming..
sweat shop: 노동력 착취의 현장
Celine: I'm relieved to hear you'r not one of those Freedom Fry kind of Americas.
셀린 마지막 문장은 봐도 무슨 말인지 모르겠음........ 총체적 난국.
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