Celine: But you weren't there anyway. Wait, Why weren't you there?
I would have been there if I could have - I had made plans.
You better have a good reason.
어쨌든 너도 안 갔다니..잠깐, 가만 넌 왜 안갔어?
난 정말 가려고 했어. 계획까지 다 짜놨었고.
너도 이유가 있을 것 아냐
Oh no! You were there, weren't you?
What? On no! You were there, weren't you?
뭐야? 맙소사 넌 갔었구나, 그렇지?
Jesse: yeah.
Celine: Ahhhh! That's terrible! I'm so sorry. I'm laughing but I don't mean it.
Did you hate me? You must have hated me.
Have you hated me all this Time?
Oh no, that's terrible! oh no I'm laughing but I don't mean it. Did you hate me? You must have hated me.
Have you hated me all this time? you have.
맙소사 말도 안돼. 웃어서 미안해, 비웃는 것은 아니야. 내가 정말 미웠겠구나? 지금껏 미워했지? 그랬구나!
Jesse: No.
Celine: Yes you have, but you can't hate me now.
Yes you have, but you can't hate me now, right,I mean my grandma
아니 그랬을꺼야. 하지만 이제 그러지마. 우리 할머니가..
Jesse: No.. I don't hate you. C'mon. no big deal.
I flew over there, you blew the whole thing off,
I gave up on love,
and my life's been a big nose-dive since then,
but hey, no big deal.
No.. I don't hate you. C'mon. no big deal. Alright?
I flew all the way over there, you blew the whole thing off,
my life's been a big nose-dive since then,
but that mean is not a problem.
안 미워했어, 됐니? 별거 아니잖아.
너한테 바람 맞고서, 인생이 꼬여버렸지만
그게 뭐 대단한 건가?
nose-dive: 급강하
blow somebody off : ~를 바람 맞히다. ~와의 관계를 정산하다.
Celine: No!
그렇게 말하지마.
Jesse: I'm kidding.
Celine: I can't believe it. You must have felt really angry with me.
I'm so sorry - I wanted to be there more than anything in the world.
But you can't be angry anymore, I mean my grand-ma
I can't believe it. You must have felt angry with me.
I'm so sorry - I really wanted to be there more than anything in the world.
I swear. But you can't be angry, my grand mother
세상에, 내가 너무 미웠겠다. 정말 미안해. 진짜 가려고 했었어.
하늘에 맹세해. 할머니가..
Jesse: Honestly, I had a feeling something like that might have happened.
I was bummed,
But I was mostly just mad that we hadn't exchanged phone numbers or any information.
No, no. Honestly, I thought some like that might have happened.
I was definitely bummed.
But mostly I just mad that we hadn't exchanged phone numbers or any information.
나도 그렇게 생각했어. 무슨 일이 생겼을거라고.
물론 실망은 컸지만,
정말 날 화나게 한 것은, 네 연락처를 안 받아둔 거였어.
mostly : 주로, 일반적으로
bummed: 낙담한, 상심한
ex) I'm so bummed. 기분이 너무 나빠.
Celline: I know, that was so stupid - no way to get in touch, I didn't even know your last name.
I know, that was so stupid - no way to get in touch, I didn't even know your last name. Nothing.
그래 바보같이. 연락할 길 없이. 여태 네 성도 몰라.
Jesse: I know! we had nothing to go on.
그래 그러게.
go on: 계속하다.
Celline: I was cursing... - If I could just reach him.
이건 영화에 없는 듯.
Jesse: I know, remember the reason we did that.. we were both afraid if we started calling and writing it would slowly fade away.
I remember we were both afraid if we started writing and calling it would slowly fade out
우린 두려웠던 거야. 편지를 쓰고 전화를 하면서, 시들어갈까봐 겁이 났던 거지.
fade out, fade away: 사라지다.
Celine: It definitely wasn't a slow fade.
하지만 그렇게 되진 않았어.
Jesse: Sure wasn't
그러게 말이야.
Celine: Yes, we wanted to pick it up where we left off, which would have been a good idea if..
I know, we wanted to pick it up where we left off,
잠시 여운을 남긴 것이었는데,
Jesse: If it'd just worked! oh well.
which would have been fine if it'd worked.
잘만 됐으면 좋은 생각이었지.
Celine: so how long were you in Vienna?
그럼 비엔나엔 얼마나 있었어?
Jesse: Couple of days.
Just Couple of days.
그냥 몇 일.
Celine: Did you meet another girl?
딴 여자라도 만나지?
Jesse: Yeah, her name was Gretchen, she was awesome. The book's actually a composite of the two of you..
Yeah, her name was Gretchen, she was amazing.
그래, 그레첸이라고 아주 멋진 여자였어.
Celine: you did?
Jesse: The book's really a composite of the two of you..
그래 둘 얘기를 섞어 쓴거야.
Celine: Really?!
Jesse: No.. I even went back to the train station and put up a sign that had the number to my hotel,
Just in case you had been delayed a half day or something.. total dork.
No.. I'm kidding, you wouldn't believe it, I even went back to the train station and you know a sign, my number of my hotel,
in case of delayed(이거 너무 발음 흘려서 잘 못 알아듣겠음..ㅠ_ㅠ).. total dork.
아니 농담이야. 안 믿겠지만, 역에도 갔었어. 늦게라도 올까봐
호텔 연락처도 여기저기 써놓고, 늦는 경우를 대비해서. 완전 바보같았어.
dork: 얼간이
Celine: Did you get any call?
It goes this way, Did you get any call?
이쪽이야, 전화가 왔어?
Jesse: Just a couple of hookers looking for a gig.
Hey, it was awful, what do you want me to say?
창녀들한테서 장난전화 몇통. 뭐라고 할말이 없더라고.
Celine: oh, that's so sad. I'm so sorry.
정말 슬펐겠다. 미안해.
Jesse: Then I just walked around for a while then eventually flew back home.
I owed my dad two grand, who had warned me about French chicks.
Then I just walked around for a couple of days, then eventually flew back home.
I owed my dad two thousand bucks , who had warned me about French chicks.
며칠 싸돌아 다니다가 결국 집으로 돌아갔어.
아빠한테 2,000달러 빚만 졌지. 항상 프랑스 여자를 조심하라고 하셨는데.
grand: 천달러(파운드)
ex) It'll cost you five grand.
Celine: what did he tell you about French women?
프랑스 여자가 뭘 어쨌길래?
Jesse: Nothing, lots of crap.
He's never been with any french women.
I don't think he's ever been east of the Mississippi.
He's never met any french women.
He's never been east of the Mississippi.
그러게, 프랑스 여자는 본 적도 없고,
고향도 안 떠나보신 분이지.
Celine: Why didn't you put the six months later part in the book?
So why didn't you put the six months later "The French bitch didn't show up"
"여우같은 프랑스 년은 끝내 안 나타났다"라고 쓰지 그랬어?
Jesse: But I did!
Celine: Really?
you did?
Jesse: I wrote a fictional version where you do show up.
No I mean, I made up whole fool I wrote a whole fictional version where you actually do show up.
(이거 잘 못알아 듣겠음.. ㅜㅜ whole fool 이라 들리고 whole fictional 뭔가 안 맞는 말 같음 ㅠㅠ)
아니 가상으로. 네가 만약 나타났으면 어땠을까 써 봤었거든.
Celine: You did? what happens?
oh what happens? what?
거기선 어떻게 되는데? 뭐야?
Jesse: oh. we make love for like ten days straight..
oh. we make love for about ten days straight..
만나자마자 열흘동안 쉬지 않고 사랑을 나눠.
더 쓰고 싶은데 오늘 자기 전에 할 것이 많아서 여기까지. 하아.. 이런 속도라면 30일 안에 못 끝내겠는데 크흑.
그리고 오늘 알게 되었는데.. 네이버에다가 검색하면 제대로 된 스크립트가 나온다고 한다.
이거 끝내고 나서 나중에 확인해봐야지...
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